Surround yourself with a green living area


Probably you are familiar with the effects of plants on your mental health. They are the perfect buddy for your work environment or living environment. However, on many forums you can find a lot of information about gardening. When you have a small garden or a smaller house, it is difficult to find a solution so you can enjoy a green environment. In this blog you will gain some inspiration about how you can easily and quickly turn your home or workplace into a green and inspiring environment.

Green up your space with a green wall system

Maybe you already heard about it: vertical gardening. This is exactly what you’re doing when you have a green wall system in your interior. Vertical gardening may sound a bit fuzzy and complicated, but this is certainly not true. By using a green wall system, plants grow vertically. With a green wall system you easily solve your problem of not having enough space. In this way you create an area full of plats which will help you to keep the air in your house clean. But not only the air in your house. You can also use a green wall system in your office or as a business owner in your restaurant, bar or hotel. It has also been used in schools so children can enjoy at a young age the benefits of plants.

Where is the green wall system composed of?

A green wall system is also called livepanel pack. This type of green wall is an all-in1-package and is available in three standard sizes. The livepanel pack consists of different elements, namely an interchangeable plant cassette with slots so you can alternate the plants. These plant cassettes are placed in gutter profiles which are water reservoirs. Because of this water reservoir, your plants won't get to much water while you do not have to water them very often either. With this system you have to supply your plants with water every week or two weeks.

Enjoy the outdoors with your own livepanel pack

The livepanel pack is not only for use indoors but you can also place it outdoors. With a livepanel pack you can create in no time a green area in your garden when you do not have many plants yet. When you do not want to become a full-time gardener, a livepanel pack can be timesaver. You can enjoy a pleasing ambience with a view on a green wall but at the same time it is very maintenance-friendly. So the livepanel pack is the perfect solution for indoors and outdoors. Which plants will  grow on your green wall?